EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > EAP Workshop > 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season
2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season

AccuWeather forecasters are predicting 2019 to result in a near to slightly above-normal hurricane season with 12 to 14 storms.
Five to seven are forecast to become hurricanes and two to four are forecast to become major hurricanes.
NOAA should be releasing their 2019 hurricane season forecast in late May.
Now is the time to start planning. Ask those people impacted by Hurricane Florence and Michael last year if they had a plan in place? Those who did not have a plan, had the most difficulty with the storm when it was occurring and during the recovery.
June 1st the Emergency Action Planning Basics Workshop launches. Slots are limited.
Take action now; email info@emergencyactionplanning.com for information on the Basics Workshop.
Till next time
“Be Safe”