EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Getting Organized > 20220219 Tip of the Day – Consistency
20220219 Tip of the Day – Consistency
Tip of the Day – Consistency
noun, plural con·sist·en·cies.
1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.: The liquid has the consistency of cream.
2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.
3. agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing: consistency of colors throughout the house.
Permanence and continuity
Permanence; the state of happening or existing for a long time or for all time in the future
Continuity; a situation in which something happens or exists for a long time without stopping or changing
Survival; the fact or state of continuing to live or exist, especially in difficult conditions
Stability; a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes
Continuation; a situation in which something continues without stopping
Preservation; the process of trying to make a situation or state continue without changing
Longevity; formal the fact of having a long life or existence
Consistency; the ability to remain the same in behavior, attitudes, or qualities
Eternity; the whole of time, with no beginning and no end
Constancy; formal the quality of staying the same
Continuance; formal the process of continuing
Entrenchment; the state of being firmly established
Fixity; formal the fact that something does not change
Hold; the fact that someone manages to continue doing or having something
Inertia; a situation in which something does not change for a long time
Legs; informal the ability of a product, advertisement, idea, book etc to continue to be successful and interest people for a long time
Persistence;a situation in which something unpleasant continues to exist
Stability; science the ability of a substance to stay in the same state
Survival; relating to survival
Sustainability; the ability of something to continue for a long time at the same level
Till next time
“Be Safe”