Author Archive: danielkilburn

Five Reasons to Finish What You Start

Five Reasons to Finish What You Start No parent teaches their child not to finish what they start. As children, it was drilled into us never to be quitters. In fact, being known as a quitter at school was a…
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5 Habits That Derail You

5 Habits That Derail You from Finishing What You Start   Not finishing what we start is a bummer. Whether we quit halfway through a project or academic course, learn a new hobby, or even prepare our emergency action plans,…
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National Love Your Children Day

National Love Your Children Day National Love Your Children Day is a special day to remind us of the love and care we owe to our little ones. As parents or caregivers, it is our primary responsibility to keep them…
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James Walton Interview

James Walton is the Intrepid Commander of the Prepper Broadcasting network. The Prepper Broadcasting Network (PBN) is proud to introduce 20 expert hosts who will provide practical and actionable advice to help people not feel as scared or worried about…
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Distractions Can Be Good

Distractions Can Be Good For You Taking a break from reality can be hugely advantageous in some cases, but all too often, we let distractions consume us and lead us away from our goals. While it may seem like the…
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