Author Archive: danielkilburn

Word of the Week Practice

Word of the Week for December 13th, 2021, is Practice Remember not to forget. There is no actual learning unless you do something. Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Remember the rule of threes? Three seconds of panic…
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Tip of the Day 20211210 Battery Operated Candles

Candles are great visual and mood enhancers during the Holiday Season. Think about battery operated candles, they are less likely to start fires.           Till next time       “Be Safe” P.S.Remember not to forget…
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FUDP Conversation with Robert Green

This conversation with Robert Green was released in May 2021, as part of the Conversations On Family Urban Disaster Planning summit. We are discussing how our community leaders can assist us with our preparedness. Our featured expert is Robert “Bobby”…
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Word of the Week Sanitation

Word of the Week for December 6th, 2021, is Sanitation In our modern world, if you want to brush our teeth, it is simple. You go in the bathroom, turn the water on, grab the toothbrush and toothpaste and go…
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Tip of the Day 20211205 Fresh Christmas Trees

The first weekend in December and people are scooping up Christmas trees. Here are a couple tips to help you find the freshest tree you can. Till next time       “Be Safe” P.S. Remember not to forget to…
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