
Day Light Savings Time Begins

Spring Forward With the onset of Daylight Savings Time we get to lose an hour of the day. Not a real big issue because we will gain an hour in about nine months. What make this significant though is the…
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Happy Valentine’s Day

Most people associate Valentine’s Day with romance… Wooing the heart of a new love or confirming our emotional connection with others that sit close to our heart, people we love, and want to do something special for. Now is the…
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What do you want?

During the last couple of years Emergency Action Planning has been conducting an unofficial survey about why people who live in at risk locations do nothing to prepare for the disasters and emergencies that will come. No one has been…
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family to yours. The year is almost over. Did I reach my goals? Have you reached your goals? Was it my best year ever? Was it your best? I’m happy with my progress, and I am…
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Daylight Savings Time

It is official Daylight Savings Time ended early this morning. Now is a good time to put the new batteries into your smoke alarms and review your Emergency Action Plan. Be sure to check all those things you’ve avoided on…
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