
#10: Spare Parts, Tools, Manuals, and Reference Materials

Equipment can fail or break down at the worse possible moment. A loose nut or bolt, a broken spring, or some other malfunction can completely disable an important piece of gear. Your gas generator, for example, will be worthless if…
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New Year Post

  As the New Year has finally overcome us, it is a good time to reflect on the past that we will never be able to recover and the future that is ours to win or lose. I sit here…
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You will be Alone

EMS will be stretched to the limit. Will anyone come to your aid? Will anyone be able to come to your aid? Copyright: amasterpics123 / 123RF Stock Photo   “We realized that when a disaster happened, whether an earthquake, storm…
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Course of Action (COA)

  When you get around to developing your Emergency Action Plan you will need to develop alternate courses of action (COA’s) for every part of your plan.   Cooking   Gathering water   Evacuating   Sheltering   First Aid  …
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Information Overload

I’m in Orlando, Florida this week. Am  attending a training seminar trying to learn how to present the Emergency Action Planning training material that I have developed in a way that will allow my Senior Drill Sergeant attitude to be…
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