
Las Vegas Ambush

My thoughts, prayers and good wishes go out to those effected by the attack. The active shooter event in Las Vegas does not satisfy the traditional active shooter scenario. This was an Ambush, a Far Ambush. Ambush [am-boo sh] noun,…
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DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING There are four phases of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning (CEMP) process. Mitigation, Planning, Response, Recovery. It is a cycle, and you can be in more than one phase at a time. A good portion of Eastern…
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Procrastination as a cultural LIFESTYLE

Why educated people fail to do things they know are important Since the inception of Social Media we have been conditioned to pay attention to no more than 140 characters, maybe a paragraph or two. Reading a two page article…
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#10: Spare Parts, Tools, Manuals, and Reference Materials

Equipment can fail or break down at the worse possible moment. A loose nut or bolt, a broken spring, or some other malfunction can completely disable an important piece of gear. Your gas generator, for example, will be worthless if…
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New Year Post

  As the New Year has finally overcome us, it is a good time to reflect on the past that we will never be able to recover and the future that is ours to win or lose. I sit here…
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