
Family Active Shooter Planning Recording

Family Active Shooter Planning Course The events in Uvalde Texas have prompted me to offer a live in person and online hybrid training program that will teach parents and children how to respond to an active shooter event. This presentation…
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Family Active Shooter Planning Course

The events in Uvalde Texas have prompted me to offer a live in person and online hybrid course that will teach parents and children how to respond to an active shooter event. This is a free course to those who…
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Word of the Week –One

20220516 Word of the Week – One What is the number one thing holding you back? If you knew that you would not fail, what would you do?  Many of us let our dreams die for no reason, but our…
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Tip of the Day – Nervous Nellie

20220513 Tip of the Day – Nervous Nellie Tip of the Day – Nervous Nellie As leaders we accept risk. There is risk in everything we do. That is why we have contingency plans. When developing plans for any venture….
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What Happens When???

20220427 What Happens When??? Deciding to change the plan while in play can be the worst thing you ever did. The disaster planning process requires redundancy options. If plan A does not work, go to plan B. This system of…
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