Practical Exercises

Word of the Week Practice

Word of the Week for December 13th, 2021, is Practice Remember not to forget. There is no actual learning unless you do something. Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Remember the rule of threes? Three seconds of panic…
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Do the Little Things

The first Monday of the New Year. Today many people are happily scampering off to fulfill their New Years Resolutions. And many others have already seen their resolutions Crash and Burn. Don’t make a New Year’s Resolutions. Make a Decision….
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Two-Way Radio Procedures Part IVB

Disaster Communications Plan Part IVB   Two-Way Radio Procedures By now you should have a good idea of who you will be communicating with, what you will be communication about and how you plan to communicate. In this, part four…
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Will Your Message Be Heard?

Disaster Communications: Two-Way Radio Procedures Part IVB Just because you can talk does not mean anyone will listen to you. By now you should have a good idea of who you will be communicating with, what you will be communication…
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Mad Scientists Rule

I just could not help myself, really, I just wanted to know what would happen. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know you’ve heard about the Microwaved water report. You know which one I am talking about. Some time around 2010 a report circulated…
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