EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Information > Community Preparedness NPM 2019 Week 4
Community Preparedness NPM 2019 Week 4
Week 4
September 22-30
Get Involved in Your Community’s Preparedness
Knowing the preparedness levels of your community can greatly enrich your preparedness efforts.
You can get started at your county office of emergency management. This is also where you learn about the hazards, that will more than likely affect your community and how to respond to them.
The county OEM should have a wealth of information on community preparedness.
Some other places to look are:
The local chapter of the American Red Cross.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs). This is where volunteers are trained to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. Find your local CERT: https://community.fema.gov/Register/Register_Search_Programs.
There’s also a Teen CERT where students can get trained to assist in community preparedness. For more information: www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/28048
Find youth volunteer and training opportunities to help your community here: www.ready.gov/youth-preparedness
Most communities have volunteer organizations that assist during disasters. For more information: https://www.nvoad.org to see what organizations are active in your community.
Another often underutilized resource for community preparedness is local Meet-Up groups. Look here: https://www.meetup.com/topics/emergency-preparedness/
While we are thinking about what the community is doing to prepare for disasters, what are you doing?
Reach out to your neighbors. Find out what they are doing. Maybe you can be their hero too.
This list of possible resources is not all-inclusive. If you know of some relevant information, please let me know so it can be included.
Till next time
“Be Safe:
P.S. The Fall EAP Workshop will be launching soon.
Email me at info@eapworkshop for more information.