COVID-19 Vaccination PT 2

The two-week waiting period for Vaccination #2 has come and passed. I was able to receive my second Pfizer inoculation Friday afternoon the 26th.

The rumor mill said the second shot is worse than the first shot. More pain for a longer time, and other symptoms.

Initial discomfort was the same as the first inoculation soreness at the injection site. My discomfort with the first shot lasted for three days.

Additional information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine can be found here:

Today I have no discomfort at all. There may be a reason? Yesterday Saturday the 27th I volunteered to support an inoculation push to vaccinate 1400 people in one day. I was assigned to traffic detail.

When I arrived at the hospital early in the morning, my arm was quite sore as expected. By the time I left in the afternoon, there was no remaining discomfort.

I can imagine a few reasons for this:

  1. I was constantly using my arms, directing traffic, and on my feet for several hours.
  2. Constant re-hydration. This is Florida standing in the direct sunlight for hours, it is not healthy to dehydrate.
  3. I sourced the pain to go away. The pain was relieved and there was no suffering because I was helping others do what I did. Get inoculated.
  4. I did not stay in a victim mode whining about poor me, my arm hurts.

Bottom line: exercise, drink plenty of water, help other people, and do not play the victim, and become part of the solution,

“Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19.”

Medical Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor or any other licensed medical professional. This review is based on my experience and are my opinions. Do not construe this as professional medical advice. These are my personal opinions only. The reader should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this article or any resources cited in this article.

Till next time




“Be Safe”

P.S.Be alert for the upcoming Conversations on Family Urban Disaster Planning series.



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