EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Children > Day Three of the 12 Days of Christmas Values
Day Three of the 12 Days of Christmas Values

Leaders Live By Values That Are Consistent With Their Vision.
We have discussed the three types of leaders. And today, we are developing a transformational leader. As a leader, we find ourselves on differing levels of leadership depending on who we are with and what we are doing.
As a parent. You are in a position of leadership with your children.
As a business executive. You are in a position of leadership with your subordinates.
As a politician. You are in a position of leadership with your constituency.
Because of our position, we are permitted to lead by those who need our leadership. However, this is fleeting. Because permission will be withdrawn if we break the trust of those we lead.
Being in a position and having permission to lead others requires us to produce an outcome.
The outcome of our vision will be congruent with our values.
Leaders Live By Values That Are Consistent With Their Vision.
And what are the values that are consistent with the vision? The easiest way for me to answer this question is to explain the values I have for my vision of protecting our children from the emergencies and disasters that will come into their lives.
Value number one is I will always tell you the truth. As an infantryman, I learned many years ago that there is no room in my life for ambiguity, deceit, lies, or embellishments. In the context of my vision as your coach, I will tell you if your plan works or not. You will have the ability to review what is good and bad, make adjustments, then move on.
Value number two is I will be honest with you. I will tell you where I gather my information. I will not plagiarize or co-opt other people’s ideas or knowledge to make myself look better. You’ll notice in my writings that I freely identify where I gather information. Furthermore, I will readily give you the link to the information to verify what I am saying is true. This value intends to gain trust.
Value number three is I will be rigorous with my clients. All is not as it appears to be. Protecting the health and welfare of our loved ones. And protecting our personal property requires a certain level of diligent attention.
Value number four is I will over-provide. An example is the current edition of the Ho Ho Holiday house fire safety e-book. You did get a copy of it. As a lead generator, many marketers think it’s acceptable and congruent with their vision and their values to give away a one maybe a two-page checklist on the subject in question. The Holiday House Fire Safety e-book is 24 pages long and is a stand-alone course and how you can go through your home, and do everything to the best of your ability to prevent your house from burning down during the holiday season.
And value number five is relationships and sustainability. I want you to succeed. Please protect your children. And I want your children to grow into their leadership potential with a clear understanding of values and how they can communicate them to develop a resiliency that they can take long after we, the parents, are gone.
As a leader in your family, you must live the values consistent with your vision. Your values will show your children who you are and what you stand for, regardless of what you tell them. Will you connect with your children on a deeper level, and will they want to be like you?

by bsjoberg · October 21, 2017
Your values are who you are. Your values demonstrate who you are being. Your values will go with you everywhere you go. And will be displayed in whatever you do.
Step Up and be the Leader your children deserve.
Step Into your children’s lives, learn from them and teach them.
Step Out into the world with them to do beautiful things.
Till next time
“Be Safe”
P.S. Remember to grab a copy of the free Holiday House Fire-Safety eBook here.
John C. Maxwell Ref: https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-5-levels-of-leadership1/
Michael Strasner Ref: http://michaelstrasner.com/all/michael-on-mastering-leadershipwith-steve-weatherford/