EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Information > Day Two of the 12 Days of Christmas Committed
Day Two of the 12 Days of Christmas Committed

Today we will continue with the discussion on leadership.
You remember yesterday we discussed the three types of leaders.
Transitional – Transactional – Transformational.
Five Levels of Leadership
People Development
Based on teaching by – John C. Maxwell
Ref: https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-5-levels-of-leadership1/
12 Distinctions of Leadership
- Leaders Are Committed To Their Vision
Based on teaching by – Michael Strasner
Being a parent, I want my children to be better off than I am.
Being a parent, I want my children to have better resources and opportunities than I did when I was their age.
Being a parent, I want my children to feel safe wherever they are.
And I want my children to accomplish great things that make them feel worthy in this world.
And the only way it was going to happen, is if I transformed who I was.
I had no idea what being a father was because I did not have one. And the limited exposure I did have with a stepfather was not something I wanted to emulate. Though at times I did.
What I did know beyond a shadow of a doubt was what it was like not to have a father, and I was not going to do that to my daughters.
Leadership Distinction number two. Leaders Are Committed To Their Vision.
What does committed to the vision mean?
Is it just a nice idea, or something that must be brought to fruition?
I told you that my vision is to protect our children from the emergencies and disasters that will come into their lives. As a parent that was one of the most powerful desires, I had raising my girls. And they gave me permission to do it. We will keep the permission level of leadership until we transform to the next level of Production. Or until we lose that permission because we have broken their trust.
I lost the trust of my oldest daughter at one time because I did something I knew was in her best interest, but she did not like it. As the leader I did not waiver because my actions were firmly seated in my love for her. Over time My leadership position elevated to Production because my daughter recognized the outcome was the right one.
This did not happen overnight. As a leader in your family, you must be committed to your vision. You must take whatever action is necessary to accomplish it. And you must be willing to fail.
The process will show your children what is right regardless of the consequences. And you will connect with your children on a deeper level, and they will want to be like you. As you progress developing leadership in your family. Your skills will be transferable to your business and community because you cannot be one way at home, and a different you when away.
Step Up and be the Leader
Step Into your children’s lives, learn from them, and teach them.
Step Out into the world with them to do beautiful things.
Trill next time
“Be Safe”