Fathers Day 20190616

I am a Father and I am also a Dad.

Being a Dad is much more rewarding than being a Father.

Fatherhood simply means donating a genetic sample to produce an offspring.

Some Fathers are great Dads.

Some Dads are not Fathers

And some Fathers have chosen not to be a Dad.

These are choices that some men have made. And that choice makes him more or less of a man.

I salute all the Fathers who have become great Dads, and all the Dads who are not Fathers.

I will also salute all the Mothers out there that have taken on the role of Dad.

“A dad is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Unknown

A couple of weeks ago I was giving a presentation on Disaster Management Planning to a group of about 30 people.

During the course of my presentation, I mentioned two conversations I had with men on the subject of disaster planning.

One talk was with 30 something-year-old man. He was making it very clear to me that there was no need for any type of disaster management training because just like him, no one wants it. I asked him if he had any children. He told me no. I responded with, Good, I am glad to hear that.

Another talk I had with a 30 something-year-old man who is a father. He also told me that there was no need for any type of disaster management training because just like him, no one wants it. I asked him what he will do when the disaster strikes? He will put everyone in the car and start driving, he has credit cards. I commented to him, that whether he knew it or not. He has a plan. Anemic, but still a plan.

These anecdotes drew stifled laughter from the audience.

Later, during my review of the written comment cards, one man (I know this by the name on the card) informed me he did not appreciate my sarcastic sense of humor.

Let’s be clear about something. I was not being funny.

If you are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of anyone, and you live in an at-risk community.

You need a plan.

If you do not have a plan, why?

For a complimentary, confidential consultation on your planning needs, email me at info@emergencyactionplanning.com let me know what you need. We can get you moving in the right direction.

Last year’s father’s day post; https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/2018/06/17/happy-fathers-day/

Till next time




“Be Safe”


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