EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Children > Fathers Day 2020
Fathers Day 2020
This is one of those interesting days when we fathers are being honored and recognized.
This is kind of unique because if you look at mainstream media and modern television most fathers are blithering idiots.
We don’t know our asses from a hole in the ground.
And we are fortunate to have a wife to tell us what to do
I am very happy today being the father of two wonderful daughters.
I am very fortunate that they came into my life.
As a child growing up, I did not have a father. I had no idea what being a father was, so when the day came for me to be a father, I was clueless.
I knew what it was like not to have a father, and I was not going to do that to my children.
Now, they are full-grown women. And I still often see them as the little girls holding my hand as we walk down the street. I can still imagine them sitting in my lap and feel the rise and fall of their breath as they fall asleep with my arms wrapped around them. I love them both so very much.
That brings us to today. Dad, be the hero for your children. They look to you for comfort and help regardless of how old they are.
Start that conversation with your children as soon as you can. Let them know that you are the one person in the world that they can talk to about anything.
DAD let your children know that it does not matter what they have done, what is on their mind, what they think they want to do, or where they think they want to go. Let them know that the one person in the entire world who will listen to them regardless of the subject is you.
Guys I know we don’t always have all the answers all the time. And I know that if we really want to find the answer we can.
If you find yourself in that position with your child, let them know that it could quite possibly be a joint effort to find the answer. The little bonding goes a long way
One conversation we should be having with our children is how to prepare for disasters and emergencies.
Have that conversation with your child to prepare them for what will come. Engaging your child in the planning process will make them confident and capable as they grow older.
The 2020 hurricane season is here.
I am sitting here in Clearwater Florida.
The sun is shining bright,
There is not a cloud in the sky the temperature is 92° with a humidity of 59%.
So today we don’t have to worry about hurricane striking the Gulf Coast of Florida.
But we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
I do know most guys have a problem with being proactive when it comes to preparing for emergencies and disasters. It’s been statistically proven for decades.
Now I don’t know you I don’t know if you’re one of those who fail to take charge and prepare for the things they should. And I don’t know if you have already put plans together to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Either way now is a good time to either get your plan started or review your plans to make sure they are up to date.
A good way to do this is with a checklist, that’s right a checklist.
Now I have a love/hate relationship with checklists.
One side of a checklist is everything you’re supposed to review and do is on the list. And when you’re done you can literally check it off.
On the other side, the use of checklist forces us sometimes to become myopically focused on only what is on the checklist. We can find ourselves overlooking critical information because it was not written down on the list. And at some time in the future, we can find that we missed something. Since it wasn’t on the checklist, we did not think about it.
But checklists are a good starting point when building an emergency action plan.
Most people would go to Uncle Google to try to search for their starting point checklists.
Or you can go to; www.emergencyactionplanning.com/resources and download a copy of the American Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Checklist.
One of the really nice things about this checklist is that it has several items that are suitable to do with your children.
Okay, I’ve got to go. I have a few things to do before I go out with my youngest daughter.
Till next time
Be safe.