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Five Reasons to Finish What You Start

Five Reasons to Finish What You Start
No parent teaches their child not to finish what they start. As children, it was drilled into us never to be quitters. In fact, being known as a quitter at school was a mark of shame. Our parents were right. Finishing what we start greatly impacts our ability to get ahead and increases our chances of significant success. It also positively affects our mental and emotional well-being in many ways.
Have you ever really reflected on why you should become a finisher? Well, here are just five reasons among many:
1. You develop resilience.
Learning to overcome challenges and obstacles (rather than take the easy way out and quit) develops resilience. This resilience helps you see things through with intention and purpose and has a big impact on every aspect of your life. Strong resilience empowers you to navigate the ups and downs of life much more efficiently and bounce back from failures and setbacks with more defiance and resolve.
2. You boost your self-respect.
Finishing what you start fosters a sense of pride and achievement. On the other hand, not finishing what you start makes you feel that you’ve skidded out. While the first boosts your self-respect and confidence in your abilities, the second destroys them. Choosing between the two is a no-brainer!
3. You gain respect.
When you consistently finish what you start, you demonstrate to others that you’re capable, disciplined, responsible, and trustworthy. The respect you gain as a result gives you incredible self-confidence and self-pride. It also motivates you to see things through to maintain the respect and admiration you’ve earned.
4. You become more intentional.
Intentional living is a shared mindset among all highly successful people. It allows them to go through life with clarity, purpose, and passion. Completing what you start is the best way to strengthen your intention and will enable you to adopt this highly empowering mindset. The more consistently you finish what you start, the more not finishing ceases to be an option!
5. The sky’s the limit!
Being a finisher and enjoying its rewards opens the doors to limitless possibilities. Your ability to see things through with resolve, motivation, and passion makes you realize something unique about yourself – you can do anything, and the sky’s the limit. In other words, finishing what you start is a formula for moving from one success to another and finding your greatness.
Additional Information: Be Aware
Stay Informed Stay Safe
Daniel Kilburn
America’s Save Your Life Coach
P.S. Are you someone who struggles to complete projects, goals, or tasks with the same level of enthusiasm as when you started them? Do you find yourself losing steam as you near the finish line, or getting sidetracked by distractions or competing priorities?
Seven Steps to Always Finish What You Start,” a free eBook that will help you develop the skills and mindset to consistently complete your projects and achieve your goals.
Get the free Seven Steps eBook here: https://www.eapworkshop.com/f/master-the-art-of-finishing-strong