EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > First Aid > FREE Live – Stop the Bleed Webinar – Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy
FREE Live – Stop the Bleed Webinar – Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy

Extremity Hemorrhage. Most people know this as bleeding to death.
Join PrepperNet & Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton ARNP “Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy” for National Stop the Bleed Day Webinar!!!
May 23, 2019 makes the second National Stop the Bleed Day. On this day, organizations throughout the U.S. highlight the importance of training and education to stop bleeding and provide the public with information through the local fire, EMS, and health care professionals. Joe Alton, MD, and Amy Alton ARNP will give a 45-minute presentation on bleeding control on or off the grid with extra time for questions and answers on the topic. Join us at 9 pm this Thursday!
Registration Link: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238462485/fe898d1ff2
Bio: Joe Alton MD is a retired but actively licensed physician and surgeon who is an advocate for medical preparedness in good or bad times. Together with his wife, Amy Alton, a registered nurse practitioner, they are the NY Times and Amazon bestselling authors of several books, including the Book Excellence Award 1st place winner in medicine, “The Survival Medicine Handbook: THE Essential Guide for When Medical Help is Not on the Way”, “Alton’s Antibiotics and Infectious Disease: The Layman’s Guide…” and others.
The Altons are the founders of Doomandbloom.net, home of hundreds of articles, podcasts, and videos on medical topics off the grid and contributors to magazines such as Survivor’s Edge, American Survival Guide, Backwoods Homes, and more. Their store at store.doomandbloom.net has an entire line of medical kits and individual supplies for any setting.
Till next time
“Be Safe”