EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Friday Findings > Friday Findings “Died Suddenly”
Friday Findings “Died Suddenly”

20221222 Friday Findings Died Suddenly
To bring valuable information to you. I have come across a documentary, “Died Suddenly,” which is a deeply disturbing film about the intentional depopulation of the world using COVID-19 vaccines. I highly suggest that you take the time to watch it.
Misleading Information
The information in this documentary has been debunked as misleading: The documentary is disturbing because it proves that some do lie to us for their own gain and the constant policy of fear perpetrated by both sides. But we already knew that.
*** Warning***
This documentary is not suitable for children.
Emergency Action Planning is presenting this documentary for your entertainment and information.
A shocking new documentary, “Died Suddenly,” paints a chilling picture of our global future. It seems the Globalists are orchestrating what could be the greatest die-off in all recorded history! This disturbing information implies that politicians, media corporations, and fear-mongers have been complicit in depopulating humanity for their gain. Even more disheartening to consider? Evidence suggests authorities knew about climate change fifty years ago but did nothing then – or now – to stop its potentially catastrophic effects on us all. I suggest you take some time out of your day and watch this alarming film ASAP.
Here’s the link https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html
Trust and Verify
Do not believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
It is more important than ever to make our voices heard and take action. Our world has changed drastically in the past 50 years – not just due to global warming but also because of population growth. The documentary proves that those in power have known about this impending crisis for decades and have done nothing preventative. The politicians are just now starting the conversation.
We stand at a tipping point with water shortages threatening massive crop failures and even starvation! These events could severely impact California’s food supply and hydroelectric production if they are left unchecked.
If there was any time to stand up and prepare for these events, it is now. Take action and plan for the emergencies and disasters that will come into your children’s lives. Let us join together before it’s too late so future generations don’t suffer from such devastating consequences!
Next year, the EAP Workshop is committing to a series of monthly training events; January will focus on Scheduling and Planning.
Till next time
Be Safe
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