EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Fire Safety > FUDP Conversation with Kelly Kasper pt. 2
FUDP Conversation with Kelly Kasper pt. 2

I am re-posting this blog, because I discovered I posted part one and not part two. Here is part two.
We are discussing evacuating the community the safest way possible. When in doubt, get out.
Our featured expert today is Kelly Kasper.
Kelly is the owner and principal consultant for HT2 Consulting Services, LLC. Where HT2 offers a full spectrum of solutions-based services. Empowering people within our community to mitigate risk, promote safety and become more resilient to day-to-day emergencies and regional disasters.
Kelly is someone who truly walks the walk, often referred to as the “Safety Queen” or “Disaster Geek” by friends and colleagues. She is passionate about safety and preparedness, which is evidenced in HT2’s process and in her educational seminars. She simply delivers dynamic presentations and motivates participants to act!
In our interview, we discuss:
- Regional Evacuation
- Evacuation Considerations
- Alternate Resources
Till next time
“Be Safe”
P.S. Remember not to forget to get your gift the Holiday House Fire-Safety eBook here.