EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Friday Findings > Grateful

Ah, grateful, that wonderful feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for everything we have in our lives. Having gratitude is a crucial part of everyday life—especially when it comes to family. This post is dedicated to reflecting on the magic of being grateful for not only what we have but also who we have in our lives. Those special people with whom relationships are forged out of love and understanding shared moments, compassion, tears, fears, and laughter!
As a stoic realist, I know I have more days behind me than I have in front of me. And every morning, I wake up with a deep sense of gratitude. It’s not just for the simple things, like my health and well-being, but for every single experience that has brought me to where I am today. From the people I’ve met along the way to the opportunities and risks I have taken – all these dots have connected in ways that make me who I am today; a 67-year-old man full of joy and optimism.
I remember back when everything was uncertain, and it felt like life had thrown me turdballs at every turn. But looking back now, those challenging times were actually blessings in disguise as they taught me so much about myself, how resilient I can be and how strong my will is if push comes to shove. When faced with failure or mistakes, I kept pushing forward because giving up wasn’t an option for me; something inside of me knew that better days were coming no matter what happened next.
Every Day is Precious
And sure enough, here we are! Every day is precious nowadays since it allows us to appreciate all of our successes (big or small), reflect on our journey thus far, and celebrate even more milestones ahead in life!
I remember the day I decided to start this journey like it was yesterday. I had spent days contemplating what I wanted to do with my life and how I could make a difference in the world. After some serious soul-searching, I finally knew what path to take – creating content that would inspire others and bring joy into their lives.
Thank You
So today, if you are reading this – then thank you! Thank you for being part of this journey with me and for taking the time out of your day to read/watch/listen to what I have shared over these past few months – it means so much more than words can express! Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just recently joined – your presence has made all the difference in keeping me motivated every single day.
And now, as we embark on yet another magical year ahead together – know that nothing ever stops us when we put our minds (and hearts) towards achieving greatness.
We are just getting started. Join me on an adventure that will transform the world for the better.
Daniel is a realist and speaks the facts. He leads a room well. When he talks we liaten.
He likes to see others succedds, that is a true characteristic of a leader. I think sometimes he believes more in others than they belive in themselvs.
Krist G. Palm Harbor, FL
Till next time
Be Safe
P.S. Start the new year with a plan of action. Stay tuned for the upcoming Scheduling and Planning workshop.
More information: https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/2021/11/24/be-thankful/