EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Alternate Risks > Holiday Travel Preparedness
Holiday Travel Preparedness

We will be visiting our friends new and old.
Congregating with family here and there.
And enjoying the concoctions of food, laughter and love.
It is also a time to be vigilant. Traveling to and fro can at times make us giddy and indifferent to our surroundings.
And, if you are unaware, it is well known that crimes increase at this time of the year.
There is a sub-sector of society in all major and minor destinations that live only to separate you from your money and possessions. Be cognit of the fact that most Holiday Crimes are crimes of opportunity.
Situational Awareness is the key mantra to embrace while you travel.
World Travelers of America provides some suggestions on safe travel from the National Crime Prevention Council. A simple one page read. You can find it here;
On another note:
Travel stress and anxiety will put any and all precautions in the waste basket if you are only focused on what’s going wrong with your flight.
The nice people at Million Mile Secrets have provided me with a link to their “How to Navigate Travel Anxiety” page for your review. Create a Packing List and TSA PreCheck are my two favorites.
Some additional tips on How to Reduce the Stress of Holiday Travel can be found here: http://www.transformationsmassage.com/reduce-stress-holiday-travel
When traveling, pass your itinerary on to people at your final destination. While in route, let them know your location, when your moving, and any changes to your plans.
Gonna keep this post as short as possible. Wanting to provide a wide range of comprehensive information can be counterproductive. Especially when the found information has common information.
With that said, do your due diligence on everything you see, hear, or just want to believe.
Till next time
“Be Safe”