EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Information > Imagination

I briefly touched the idea that nothing ever gets done without imagination.
People had to imagine it to happen to find a way to do it.
That hasn’t changed and will probably stay with us forever.
I am now my using my imagination to reach out to you to help you accomplish your mission to protect yourself your family and your loved ones?
I must use my imagination.
For the last month actually late June and early July I’ve been reaching out to different groups of people in an effort to create a small training program which I call a challenge.
The concept is that over a period of five days the participants will come online to a live zoom meeting and watch me prepare an actual disaster management plan.
This is intended to be an interactive event. Individuals can ask questions, get answers, show off what they’ve got going, help each other out, and at the end, everybody would have a plan for the hurricane season.
The first attempt in late June, I had 161 people go to the landing page, but nobody opted in.
My second attempt a week ago had 581 looks at the landing page. But nobody bought the product.
What I am presenting is sparking interest. I just really didn’t do a very good job of selling it to them on the landing page.
I’m going to use my imagination and spin up a new marketing program and watch another challenge on the 28th of July.
My goal is to teach and train 1/10 of 1% of the US population how to prepare themselves and their loved ones for natural and man-made disasters.
This is a fair warning that you will be hearing a lot more from me on a regular basis.
I am looking at some imaginative ways to get the message out.
Those of you reading this blog post but not in need of help, I bet you know somebody who is, point them in my direction.
And there is more.
I want you to help me open my eyes.
The concept of disaster management planning is broad, there’s a lot of moving pieces.
I know it well and I can spew it out on a regular basis.
But what I don’t know is what you want to know.
That’s right what do you want to know?
I promised a long time ago to keep my teachings and training short concise to the point and actionable.
No hyperbole no motivational speeches well maybe one or two, just the straight stuff you can do to get your plan in order.
Tell me what is the information you want to know?
If I know what information you want, I can get it for you, yes, it’s a fact.
If it revolves around disaster management planning.
Send your questions to me at; info@eapworkshop.com
Till next time
“Be Safe”