Lets Play A Game

Down in the Risk Assessment Post I mentioned the number one Disaster that we face on a daily basis.


The game I want you to play is;
How many ways are there to escape out of the house? Or, what is our fire escape plan?

This is the perfect starting point for the evacuation sequence of your Emergency Action Plan. You are building one right?

If you have children it is very important to get them involved in the game, they will love it. It is entirely possible that they know some things about your house that you don’t. Have some fun.

So how this is game played?

1.         Draw a Floor Plan of your House/Apartment/Condo/Trailer etc.

2.         Find at least two ways to get out of every room in the house

3.         Identify where the “Meeting Place” will be.  Tree, Light Pole, Neighbors Yard, etc.

4.         Practice using each and every possible “Escape Route” by crawling to them, to use them.

5.         Finish marking the Floor Plan with your usable routes and “Meeting Place”

6.         Practice a several times a year, at different time during the day, or night.

7.         Identify changes in your environment that may make a once usable route non usable, adjust your Floor Plan accordingly. Practice the new plan.

8.         Post the Floor Plan at eye level in every room in the house.

Below is a quick Museum quality rendition of my Floor Plan, Made it with the Paint program on the computer. I am certain that your budding Nine year old Picasso can probably do a much better job.

I recommend that you search for expanded information on the subject of escaping your home.
This game is intended just to get you thinking. I would be remiss if I was to imply that this is all that needs to be examined on the subject of a fire escape plan.
The internet is full of stuff. I like the American Red Cross page; for starters.
It is straight forward and goes into some detail on multi-level abodes.
Bonus Question: If a Fire starts; how much time will you have to get out of the house?
Till next time.
 “Be Safe”

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