National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Was yesterday. You missed it. Or did you?

If you were aware that yesterday was celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day to some extent it’s possible that you took advantage of the moment and made yourself a scrumptious warm crusty bread with melting cheese sandwich, or you didn’t.

If you were unaware that yesterday was national grilled cheese sandwich day or if you knew that it was and you did not make yourself a grilled cheese sandwich. You created an opportunity cost.

“Opportunity cost is the benefit given up when one alternative is selected over another.”

You will not have the opportunity to celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day again until next year. The opportunity cost is extremely low because the outcome is negligible as far as finances, health or the welfare of you and your loved ones.

What if yesterday was Hurricane, Earthquake, Wild Fire, Tornado, Chemical Spill day. What would your opportunity cost have been?

The 33% of you that have an Emergency Action Plan developed to address these events will not have not incurred an opportunity cost, and will have a greater ability to protect yourself, your family and loved ones.

The 66% of you that have done nothing to protect yourself, your family and loved ones. Will have a greater opportunity cost in Financial, Emotional, Psychological, Physical and Societal stress.

Developing a working Emergency Action Plan for you, your family and loved ones will take about 24 hours of your time.

Stay tuned for the upcoming six-week EAP Workshop Starts June 1st 2019.

Till next time




“Be Safe”

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