National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month

 Introduction to National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, a period to stress preparing for disasters and emergencies. In this regard, every year the Federal Emergency Management Agency spearheads a campaign to urge Americans to take immediate action to make sure they are prepared for whatever happens. From hurricanes and earthquakes to financial crises, preparedness makes all the difference when an emergency hits. A difference in how individuals and families respond.

Family Emergency Communication is important:

Communication keeps things going in any form of disaster. Imagine the chaos when a hurricane hits and you can’t reach your loved ones. A well-organized family emergency communication plan forms the backbone of every disaster preparedness strategy. The plan will detail how family members can contact one another, where they will meet, and what they will do when regular lines of communication fail.

Step 1: Know Your Risks and Stay Informed

No single emergency is like another, and every region has its own peculiar risks. Whether you’re in the earthquake-prone territory or a place where hurricanes often hit, knowing what could strike is the fundamental point.

Emergency Alerts: The Lifeline You Need

In today’s digital world, knowing what is happening is easier than ever-but only if you know where to look. FEMA, the National Weather Service, and local governments offer emergency alerts through apps, texts, and social media. Explain that you and your family know how to receive those alerts and practice responding when you get test notifications.

Knowledge of Natural Disasters in Your Area

Do you know which of nature’s disasters most likely affect your home? For one of those people living in the coastal regions, hurricanes might be your worst nightmare. If you’re in the Midwest, though, tornadoes could be far more of an issue. By learning about specific risks in your area, you can tailor your emergency plans accordingly to meet the challenges ahead.

Non-Natural Hazards: Preparing for the Unexpected

It’s not just natural calamities you have to be prepared for. Pandemics, terrorist attacks, and financial emergencies are serious risks. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us global disasters can happen at any time. Financial crises leave many families in extremity, further highlighting the preparedness against emergencies in every sphere of life.

Step 2: Create a Family Emergency Plan

Once you have identified the hazards, it’s time to create a family emergency plan. This plan will outline exactly what your family will do in an emergency so that everyone knows their responsibilities.

How to Get Everyone on the Same Page

An emergency plan works only if people are in sync. Call a family meeting to discuss your emergency plans, who does what, how to communicate, and what each member will do under various scenarios for evacuation or shelter-in-place.

Special Considerations: Children, Seniors, and Pets

Your family may include young children, older adults, and pets who have special needs. Children require reassurance and clear, easy instructions during a disaster or emergency, while senior household members may have limited mobility or require special medications. And, of course, there are your pets that will require food, water, and shelter as well in an emergency. Incorporating these special considerations into your plan ensures no one is left behind.

Step 3: Building Your Emergency Supply Kit

You never know how long you may be required to survive without or with limited services such as water and electricity. For this reason, you must put together a good emergency supply kit.

What to Include in Your Emergency Kit

Your kit should include at least three days’ worth of food and water, medications, a first aid kit, a flashlight, batteries, important documents, and cash. Do not forget supplies for your pets and maybe some blankets and clothes for all weather conditions.

Maintenance – Keeping Your Kit Fresh and Ready

An emergency kit is not something you make and then forget. Periodically check the expiration dates of food, water, and medications. Replace items as needed. Know that your kit is stored in a safe, easily accessible location known to all family members.

Step 4: Support Community Preparedness

You are not alone in these crisis times, and your community can be a great reservoir of support. Community preparedness means you are all reinforcing the safety net for your community’s people.

Why Community Matters during Emergencies

Large areas are usually affected by disasters, and how fast recovery is primarily depends on the level of preparedness within the community. Organizing the neighbors through local training sessions or participating in disaster drills can make all the difference.

How You Can Make a Difference

Other ways you can contribute to community preparedness include volunteering to serve with local organizations, joining the neighborhood emergency team, or even organizing preparedness workshops. The better your involvement, the more prepared your community will be.

The Role of Technology in Emergency Preparedness

From live storm-tracking apps to disaster recovery resources online, technology has become a crucial component of emergency preparedness today. Take advantage of your smartphone, GPS, and cloud-based storage to make sure that your family is safe and kept posted during the disaster.

The Impact of National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month serves as an annual reminder of what one can do to be prepared in case of emergencies. From emergency alerts to communicating plans and engaging with the community, the impact of NPM can be seen in every home that takes the time to get prepared. Every year, millions of Americans are made resilient through the resources and awareness raised during this month.

Conclusion: Ready, Set, Prepare!

So don’t wait until it’s too late; take action now. September is just the time to get your family ready against any life-threating challenge. Knowing your risk, having a plan, building a kit, and engaging your community could all just position you better when life throws you an unexpected curve. Preparedness is not an event; it’s a commitment to safety.


1. What is National Preparedness Month?

National Preparedness Month encourages individuals, families, and communities to prepare for emergencies actively.

2. How do I develop an emergency communication plan?

Emergency Communication Plan: Incorporate all contact information, meeting locations in case you get separated, and alternative means of communicating if cell service is out.

3. What should be contained in an emergency supply kit?

Your kit should have adequate nonperishable food, water, medications, first aid kit, key documents, and other essentials to last at least 72 hours.

4 What can families do to become more prepared for natural disasters?

Families should take the time to learn local risks, create an emergency plan, practice regular drills, and make sure emergency kits are well stocked and ready.

How can I support the preparedness initiatives in my community?

You can support community preparedness through service on local emergency teams, holding workshops on preparedness, and maintaining awareness about local hazards.

House Fire Prevention webinars

Be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming House Fire Prevention webinars—each packed with valuable tips to keep your home safe. In October, we’ll cover General Fire Safety, perfect for protecting your home in the months ahead. November’s focus is on Kitchen Fire Safety, helping you avoid the spike in fires that typically occur around Thanksgiving. And in December, we’ll dive into Holiday Fire Safety, from Christmas lights to Hanukkah candles, fireplaces, and even ways to keep your pets safe from holiday hazards. Don’t miss these essential sessions!

Additional Information: Disaster Communications Summary

Stay Informed and Stay Safe




Daniel Kilburn

P.S. If you found this article helpful in preparing for emergencies, you’ll love our free eBook: “Unmasking the Unseen.” This eBook will go into some of the hidden threats we often don’t think about-from a financial crisis to a disruption in society-and give you actionable steps that you can take to fortify the security of your family. It will be a perfect companion to National Preparedness Month and will expand on some of the themes-risk awareness and proactive planning-we discussed here. Download your free copy now and start taking the next step to securing your family’s future!








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#NationalPreparednessMonth #FamilySafety #EmergencyPlan #DisasterPreparedness #StayReady

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