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Phases of Emergency Management Infographic

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Tip of the Day 20190306 Insurance Coverage

During the Mitigation phase check on your insurance coverage suitability. Have a heart to heart with your insurance agent and discover what is, and what is not covered on your policy. No need for any surprises. Smart to have a…
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Tip of the Day 20190304 Phases of Disaster Management

Disaster management is a cyclic process. There are four phases. Mitigation Planning Response and Recovery If you are not immediately responding to or recovering from an emergency or disaster. You are in the Mitigation and Planning phases simultaneously. Till next…
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Tip of the Day 20190301 Special Needs

Pay special attention to individuals in your action plan with #special #needs. These can be #infants the #elderly or individuals with unique #medical requirements. Til next time       “Be Safe”

Tip of the Day 20190227 Collaboration

Sometimes we need some help. Collaborating with like-minded people can prove fruitful. Share resources, information and have your back. Till next time       “Be Safe”