EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Cyber Security > The Implications Of The WEF’s Declaration
The Implications Of The WEF’s Declaration

The Implications Of The WEF’s Declaration
Davos, Switzerland, 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) is declaring a worldwide catastrophic event within the next two years.
Worldwide Catastrophic Event
Hey there! Daniel here with some news on emergency action planning. It looks like this past week had winter storms that were rough in the Northeast but starting to slow down out West – we can expect these kinds of things during winter, right? There’s a story coming from Davos about an ominous declaration made at the World Economic Forum. Apparently, they think something catastrophic is going to happen soon… could be within just two years or so! It sounds alarming and I’m sure everyone will keep their eyes peeled for updates.
A Catastrophic Mutating Event.
A looming disaster is poised to hit the world two years from now. It’s not just a regular attack, it’s something far more sinister than that – a major cyber-attack! We’ve been hearing whispers about this for some time as bad actors have begun plotting against us in order to take our hard-earned money and cause destruction where ever they can. So let’s be prepared for anything because who knows what these fiends are capable of?
Ripple Effect
Russia’s cyber-attack in Ukraine had a ripple effect that caused other parts of Europe to lose power, too. In many cases, an initial event can have multiple impacts – think about earthquakes: not only does the ground break beneath your house, but also massive damage is done to infrastructure, like disabling the electricity grids.
Cyber-Attack Leaders
It looks like China and the United States have been dominating primary events, but with a savvy tech-wiz running interference, an attack can originate from someplace else. Data collected from IP addresses might be showing one thing – however, what’s really going on could even come as a surprise!
Cyber Attack Origin – by Country
With the US and China at the top of many headlines, it’s easy to overlook Russia. But they’re very active in cyber-attacks — enough so that sometimes it seems like they could pull off some false flag operations! Of course, we can’t know for sure what’s happening behind closed doors—that would require an investigative journey someone else can take.
We’ve seen it repeatedly – someone predicts the future, but people don’t believe them because they can’t fully verify what’s being said. Take global warming, for instance: many were skeptical about its realness until reality hit us all in the face! Well, it’s here, folks. We can’t do anything about it. So be aware of changes that could come our way; think twice before dismissing something you haven’t personally verified yet.
Security Measures
Cyber security should never be taken for granted. Despite the complacent and apathetic attitudes of some, we all need to stay vigilant when using our computers, phones or any device that can access information online. It’s easy for cyber-attacks to spread quickly if even one wrong button is pressed. Taking simple precautions such as regular updates, strong passwords and being aware of suspicious links could save you from becoming another victim!
We live in an increasingly digital world, which means more and more attacks through our phones. To protect yourself online, don’t click any links or share info if you don’t recognize the sender – no matter how enticing it seems! It’s been proven time and again that many people who fall victim to scams think they’re too smart for them; however, make sure to do your research before believing what anyone says. So, let’s arm ourselves with knowledge on how to stay safe!
Stay Informed
With the right guidance, you can take your education into your own hands! A quick online search for reputable and well-reviewed cybersecurity programs will provide helpful resources. But be sure to do some research – there are, unfortunately, bad actors out there who may try masquerading as trustworthy organizations. It’s important to read reviews beforehand so that you know exactly what kind of information or services they have on offer. It’s like a bad horror movie – you hire some folks to build security for your system, and as soon as that switch is flipped … BAM! You get hacked. Like it or not, this kind of thing happens all the time – scary stuff but an important lesson nonetheless.
I’m Daniel- retired Army Infantry Drill Sergeant, my specialty? Tough topics no one wants to talk about; let me help guide you through the digital jungle, so nothing surprises you!
Sign up here for the upcoming Digital Distractions workshop…
It’s hard to think about, but for our future we need to consider some of the catastrophes that might occur. We’re already starting to see these in different parts of the world- tampering with water systems and electricity grids is just one example! To make sure you, your family and generations after are secure, it’s important be aware of potential events ahead.
Additional Information: https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/2021/02/28/safe-drinking-water-may-not-always-be-available/
Information is power.
Things can change in an instant, so it’s important to get educated and stay informed. Don’t wait until bad news hits – prepare yourself and your family now! You need to take the initiative when it comes to safeguarding yourselves; no one is going to swoop in at the last minute with a miracle solution if you haven’t taken precautions beforehand. Get savvy about potential risks before they become reality – knowledge truly is power!
It’s pretty clear we all have a responsibility to be good people, but not everyone takes that seriously. Being nice is as much about being considerate and respectful of others – whether it’s providing support or guidance when needed – rather than big gestures like saving whales! There are two groups in this conversation: those who recognize the value of taking their role as responsible citizens more seriously and those who don’t feel they need to put in an effort at all.
It’s clear there are two types of people in this world – those that know their worth and want to share it, and others who don’t realize the greatness inside them. If you’re someone just starting out on finding what is special about yourself, a good place to start would be small actions such as opening doors or offering smiles. Utilizing tech resources like links for cybersecurity info and training can also help discover new ways of how to benefit your family or loved ones too!
Immediate Cyber Security Technique
Don’t press the mysterious button! With more and more people falling victim to hackers on social media, we all must take extra caution when surfing the web. As I learned from two of my friends who had their Facebook accounts copied – don’t blindly accept a friend request just because someone has your contact information. Instead, do some homework first; I will chat with them in messenger to determine their intent before accepting the friend request. Otherwise, you may fall prey to schemes offering false opportunities where if you invest certain sums of money, they’ll pay out huge returns. Or at least that’s what they say! Bottom line: be vigilant online and protect yourself against potential fraud.
Have you considered taking Facebook extra steps to protect yourself and your friends? Here is a great tip! I suggest enabling a setting that restricts other people from seeing who’s on your friend list unless it’s someone with mutual connections. That way, even if you have Five thousand friends, no one can see them without being mutual friends.
Stay informed and stay safe – these are traditional words but never more relevant than today!
Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope your weekend is filled with happiness, wonder, and joy. You take care. I’m out of here.
Till next time, stay informed and stay safe.
Stay tuned for February 2023’s Staying Focused In A Digital Age Workshop.