The Other 1%

Today November 11th 2021 is celebrated as Veterans Day in the United States. A day to remember and recognize those men and women who fought our Nation’s wars and defended us during periods of uneasy peace.

I have a unique affiliation with this group because I was one of the other one percent.

You ask, what is the other one percent? Few people understand that less than one percent of the US population are serving in the US Military at any given time.

Standing ready to defend you and your loved ones. It is truly a thin green line.

Because of service commitments, retirement, and medical discharges, currently, there are 18 million living veterans of the US military. Roughly five percent of the population.

Today, we remember them all.

Their selfless service made our Nation the world’s leader in commerce, business, law, science, technology, and the arts—and made America a beacon of hope and freedom around the world, drawing millions of people to our shores and serving as a model of democracy. That’s the story of America’s Veterans. That’s who and what we remember and commemorate on Veterans Day. 

Yet we must remember the terrible cost of those blessings. So many gave their last full measure, and other Veterans of every generation long endure memories of what they saw and the hardships they bore. The holidays they missed the first walk of their babies, birthdays, graduations, and the life events they will never have because they stood while others slept.

I am proud to be a member of this select group of people who have and does stand ready to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Till Next time




“Be Safe”

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