EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > EAP Workshop > Unlocking Your Wildest Disaster Fantasies.
Unlocking Your Wildest Disaster Fantasies.

Now is the official time to prepare for the real and imagined emergencies or disasters that will come crashing into your life.
Yes, your government has said it’s okay to do so. Go ahead and prepare as you’ve never prepared before.
But what am I going to prepare for you say? You know exactly what it is.
Reach down into the deepest darkest recesses of your reptile brain.
Find that fearful event that keeps you up at night.
You Know Which One I’m Talking About. It goes bump in the night, rattles the windows, makes your hair stand on edge, and you jump at the slightest movement in the shadows.
The one that has sweat pouring off your nose, your heart beating like a racing locomotive, and makes you so agitated, upset and inconsolable that you just don’t know what to do.
Yes, that one.
Don’t think about what’s going to happen because of the monster that’s living under your bed.
You know it is only a matter of time before it reaches out and grabs you by the ankles, and drags you kicking and screaming into the darkness.
Don’t bother to think about it, what’s the big deal.
Or, you can just call your County Office of Emergency Management and ask them.
They will happily to tell you what you need to plan for in your community.
I have an answer for you.
Do you want to hear it?
The world can change in a heartbeat.
We think we can see that change coming.
In reality, we are hit in the back of the head with it because we have failed to prepare.
For some reason, we are only able to hope for the best.
We do nothing to implement a plan, and we expect our needs to be met.
That is neither good or bad, it is just the way humans are.
The fact that you have, in your brain, a worst-case scenario.
Is because that’s how we are wired as human beings.
We have survived thousands of years by looking for the saber tooth tiger in the bushes, not the butterfly.
You have no right to be happy. It’s not in your DNA.
You have every right to survive and in order to do so, you need to plan for it.
Planning for that saber tooth tiger will make you happy.
Have you ever been in a position where you knew the answer, knew all the answers?
You could look at a problem, and managing it came to you. You knew exactly what to do!
Have you?
But sometimes all you can do is scream as each thought comes to a screeching halt.
What was I thinking about? Where did it go? I had the answer and it was perfect….
I know! I’ve been there before.
Sometimes we need help grasping those thoughts before they fleetingly slip away.
A good coach, mentor or trainer.
Somebody who has actually done it before, might be able to point us in the right direction.
And then, it will come back to us.
Why am I here?
I have no desire to see you and your loved ones on the side of the road with outstretched arms begging for help.
My mother told me a long time ago I was an empath.
She told me, I was the type of person who would drive by an accident where people are seriously injured, and I will feel distressed over something that happened to them.
I told my mother she had no idea what she was talking about.
I’m a Senior Infantry Drill Sergeant. 33 years in the U.S. Army. I’ve been places, done things, seen things most people will never understand.
And then I realized.
What she said was right.
We quite often place shells around ourselves to prevent us from looking outside and feeling pain.
Is that why you have not finnished a plan to protect yourself or your loved ones?
Emergency Action Planning Workshop is a training program that will allow you to take your intelligence, and develop a plan that will prepare you and your loved ones for the future disasters and emergencies that will come crashing into your life.
And it’s actually much more, a personal growth self-development program, that stands out way on the edge of reality.
Let’s take that step out into the edge of the cliff.
Look down, what do you see, how far does it go?
Can you jump down there now?
You have nopting to lose, and everything to gain.
Your family and your loved ones are all looking to you to take them by the hand and walk them out of the dark.
Be the hero.
Email me at:info@eapworkshop.com
For information on the upcoming EAP Workshop.
Tell me about your Wildest Disaster Fantasy and what you want to do about it.
Till next time
“Be Safe”