EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Children > Word of the Week – Committed
Word of the Week – Committed

20220830 Word of the Week – Committed
We are in a time in history that requires parents to be deeply committed to their children who must be prepared for a future that will not look like our past.
In the last two months, I have had the opportunity to witness the drought and food shortages already happening on the west coast. This will not get better any time soon.
The U.S. Teeters on the Brink of a Great Water Crisis.
Drought in the Western United States has dropped freshwater levels by 75%. And the need for water consumption by Agribusiness has not diminished. https://www.propublica.org/article/colorado-river-water-shortage-jay-famiglietti
On average, farms around the world account for 70% of all water that is consumed annually. https://htt.io/water-usage-in-the-agricultural-industry/
As the water shortage becomes more acute. So will the food shortage. This is not a west Coast problem or a U.S. problem. This is a world problem.
Water and food is not the only problem our children will face.
The only way to prepare for that future is by preparing our children to be ready, and able to take over the world we are leaving them. Bubble wrapping them and pretending everything is OK is not an option. Relying on our politicians, big business, and the school system to prepare your children is not an option.
We are the only option our children have. As parents, we need to be committed to our children and demonstrate leadership so our children will grow and become the leaders they need to be.
We as parents can do wonderful things to ready our children for their future, communicate with your children, build resiliency, and develop leaders. Leave an actual legacy that is greater than your Tesla, eating vegan, or being all inclusive.
Additional Information: https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/2022/02/02/fudp-conversation-with-dr-jody-carrington/
Till next time
“Be Safe”
P.S. Get over your stories and find out just how well prepared you are.
Take advantage of the disaster and emergency preparedness assessment.