Word of the Week – Compromise

20220425 Word of the Week – Compromise

Word of the Week – Compromise



I bring up this word to ponder because of some of the positive and negative connotations of the term compromise. Look it up in the dictionary, and it appears to be relatively negative.

Somehow, we are settling for something less, we are making ourselves vulnerable, and somehow, we are losing.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. I talked to some people at a party earlier this week, and the term compromise came up. The consensus of many people there was that compromise is not a win-win situation. It’s a win-lose. People felt that they were losing if they had to compromise in a negotiation. It didn’t matter what the compromise might be. They just considered it a loss.

When we think of that, we must wonder how that ideology manufactures or manifests itself in their life.

Last week, I went to the Italian restaurant and ordered spaghetti and Italian sausages. So I was compromising spaghetti and meatballs, and my compromise was by taking the spaghetti and sausage, not getting the chicken Parmesan, and not getting the lasagna. So that didn’t seem like something negative because I was getting what I wanted, so I wasn’t compromising anything.

What are you compromising when you refuse to protect those you claim to love?

I find it very interesting that a mother or father who says to love their children cannot find the time to put together an emergency action plan.

Take action, put a plan together, and even if you never have to use it, you will have it for your children. And your children will recognize that you’re doing something for them, and they will love you. So, mom and dad, what are you compromising?

Additional Information:

EAP Resources: https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/resources/

Are You Ready? Guide. An in-depth guide to citizen preparedness. Available in several languages: https://www.ready.gov/collection/are-you-ready

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Till next time




“Be Safe”

P.S. Do you know your disaster/emergency planning status?

Take the free Disaster/Emergency Planning Assessment and schedule a free consultation on what you can do to improve your plan.


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