EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Food & Cooking > Word of the Week is Food
Word of the Week is Food

Do you remember the rule of threes?
Three weeks without food can kill you.
Food is an absolute necessity.
And like water you will need to have ample amounts of food on hand because if you do not, over time your health and welfare will become at risk.
The bare bones minimum amount of food to have on hand is 72 hours, or three days’ worth. Regardless of your age or gender, go with 2000 calories per person a day, it will suffice. A recommended amount is 14 day or two weeks’ worth of food.
Those of you wanting a head start can download the free 72 Hour Grocery Shopping List here. https://bit.ly/grocerylist72
I recall after Hurricane Irma was over and my local grocery store reopened, the staff were restocking the shelves with grocery carts full of food returned by people who wanted their money back.
This brings to light a disturbing concept.
1.People seriously over purchased and spent money they could afford to spend because they had no plan and did not prepare well in advance.
This is your opportunity not to be one of those people.
A preplanned food store in your home will always insure you and your loved ones can eat.
Remember to communicate with your loved ones who will be involved with your plan. Ask for their input. Let them pick items for the emergency food store. Celebrate their involvement.
Sooner or later you will discover the ease with which you can communicate with your loved ones on the important topics.
Till next time
“Be Safe”
Remember not to forget your free gift, the Ho Ho Holiday House Fire Safety eBook.