EMERGENCY ACTION PLANNING > Blog > Biological Threat > Zika Virus
Zika Virus

The Zika Virus seems to be the current biological threat on most people’s tongues today.

Copyright: WikiImages
During my tenure with the US Army, during the late 70’s through the 80’s we were preparing to fight a Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological war against the then Soviet Block in Eastern Europe.
Each of these scenarios have uniquely different Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP’s) to mitigate their effects. On the Biological front the best form of defense is being healthy. Yes I know, being healthy is not an absolute, but it is the best place to start when combating biological infections.
The next best protective factor is not to get bitten. What a concept. How do we do that?
Clothing, Long Sleeves, and Long Pants
Mosquito Netting where you sleep
Insect Repellant
I for one have never heard of the Zika Virus until just recently, I’m certain most of you have not either. Did Zika suddenly just become a fresh new threat to the human existence? No. It was first discovered in 1947 and is named after the Zika forest of Uganda where the first human cases were detected.
Prior to 2007 only 14 cases were reported. That may be because the symptoms are similar to other diseases and may not have been diagnosed correctly.
Of note – if a non Zika carrying mosquito bites an infected person, it can then transmit the pathogen to other people.
Go to The Center for Disease Control (CDC) for useful information; http://www.cdc.gov/zika/
Till next time
“Be Safe”